Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 637 of 760
21.2 Register Descriptions
21.2.1 D/A Data Registers 0 and 1 (DADR0/1)
Initial value:00000000
R/W: R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
The D/A data registers (DADR0 and DADR1) are 8-bit readable/writable registers that store the
data to be converted. When analog output is enabled, the D/A data register values are constantly
converted and output at the analog output pins.
The D/A data registers are initialized to H'00 by a reset.
21.2.2 D/A Control Register (DACR)
Initial value:00011111
DACR is an 8-bit readable/writable register that controls the operation of the D/A converter.
DACR is initialized to H'1F by a reset.
Bit 7—D/A Output Enable 1 (DAOE1): Controls D/A conversion and analog output.
Bit 7: DAOE1 Description
0 DA1 analog output is disabled (Initial value)
1 Channel-1 D/A conversion and DA1 analog output are enabled
Bit 6—D/A Output Enable 0 (DAOE0): Controls D/A conversion and analog output.
Bit 6: DAOE0 Description
0 DA0 analog output is disabled (Initial value)
1 Channel-0 D/A conversion and DA0 analog output are enabled