Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 585 of 760
Bits 1 and 0—SCP0 Mode 1 and 0 (SCP0MD1, SCP0MD0): These bits select the pin function
and perform input pull-up MOS control.
Bit 1 Bit 0
SCP0MD1 SCP0MD0 Pin Function
0 0 Transmit data output 0 (TxD0)
Receive data input 0 (RxD0) (Initial value)
0 1 General output (SCPT[0] output pin)
Receive data input 0 (RxD0)
1 0 SCPT[0] input pin pull-up (input pin)
Transmit data output 0 (TxD0)
1 1 General input (SCPT[0] input pin)
Transmit data output 0 (TxD0)
Note: There is no SCPT[0] simultaneous I/O combination because one bit (SCP0DT) is accessed
using two pins, TxD0 and RxD0.
When port input is set (bit SCPnMD1 is set to 1) and when the TE bit in SCSCR is set to 1, the
TxD0 pin is in the output state. When the TE bit is cleared to 0, the TxD0 pin goes to the high-
impedance state.