Intel PXA255 Speaker System User Manual

4-44 Intel® PXA255 Processor Developer’s Manual
System Integration Unit
4.6 System Integration Unit Register Summary
4.6.1 GPIO Register Locations
Table 4-49 shows the registers associated with the GPIO block and their physical addresses.
Table 4-49. GPIO Register Addresses (Sheet 1 of 2)
Address Name Description
0x40E0_0000 GPLR0 GPIO pin level register GPIO[31:0]
0x40E0_0004 GPLR1 GPIO pin level register GPIO[63:32]
0x40E0_0008 GPLR2 GPIO pin level register GPIO[80:64]
0x40E0_000C GPDR0 GPIO pin direction register GPIO[31:0]
0x40E0_0010 GPDR1 GPIO pin direction register GPIO[63:32]
0x40E0_0014 GPDR2 GPIO pin direction register GPIO[80:64]
0x40E0_0018 GPSR0 GPIO pin output set register GPIO[31:0]
0x40E0_001C GPSR1 GPIO pin output set register GPIO[63:32]
0x40E0_0020 GPSR2 GPIO pin output set register GPIO[80:64]
0x40E0_0024 GPCR0 GPIO pin output clear register GPIO[31:0]
0x40E0_0028 GPCR1 GPIO pin output clear register GPIO[63:32]
0x40E0_002C GPCR2 GPIO pin output clear register GPIO[80:64]
0x40E0_0030 GRER0
GPIO rising-edge detect enable register
0x40E0_0034 GRER1
GPIO rising-edge detect enable register
0x40E0_0038 GRER2
GPIO rising-edge detect enable register
0x40E0_003C GFER0
GPIO falling-edge detect enable register
0x40E0_0040 GFER1
GPIO falling-edge detect enable register
0x40E0_0044 GFER2
GPIO falling-edge detect enable register
0x40E0_0048 GEDR0 GPIO edge detect status register GPIO[31:0]
0x40E0_004C GEDR1 GPIO edge detect status register GPIO[63:32]
0x40E0_0050 GEDR2 GPIO edge detect status register GPIO[80:64]
0x40E0_0054 GAFR0_L GPIO alternate function select register GPIO[15:0]
0x40E0_0058 GAFR0_U
GPIO alternate function select register
0x40E0_005C GAFR1_L
GPIO alternate function select register