undo confederation peer-as [ as-number-list ]
View BGP view
Parameters as-number-list: Sub-AS number list. Up to 32 sub-ASs can be configured in one
command line. The expression is as-number-list = as-number &<1-32>, in which
as-number specifies a sub-AS number, and &<1-32> indicates up to 32 numbers
can be specified.
Description Use the confederation peer-as command to specify confederation peer
Use the
undo confederation peer-as command to remove specified
confederation peer sub-ASs.
By default, no confederation peer sub-ASs are configured.
Before this configuration, the confederation id command must be used to
specify the confederation for the sub-ASs.
If the undo confederation peer-as command without the as-number-list
argument is used, all confederation peer sub-ASs are removed.
Related commands: confederation nonstandard and confederation id.
Examples # Specify confederation peer sub ASs 2000 and 2001.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bgp 100
[Sysname-bgp] confederation id 10
[Sysname-bgp] confederation peer-as 2000 2001
dampening (BGP/BGP-VPN instance view)
Syntax dampening [ half-life-reachable half-life-unreachable reuse suppress ceiling |
route-policy route-policy-name ] *
undo dampening
View BGP view/BGP-VPN instance view
Parameters half-life-reachable: Specifies a half-life for active routes from 1 to 45 minutes. By
default, the value is 15 minutes.
half-life-unreachable: Specifies a half-life for suppressed routes from 1 to 45
minutes. By default, the value is 15 minutes.
reuse: Specifies a reuse threshold value for suppressed routes from 1 to 20000. A
suppressed route whose penalty value decreases under the value is reused. By
default, the reuse value is 750.