You may find that information about the remote system for a manual link
aggregation group is either replaced by none or not displayed at all. This is normal
because this type of aggregation group has no knowledge of its partner.
Example # Display the link aggregation group summary.
<Sysname> display link-aggregation summary
Aggregation Group Type: S -- Static, M -- Manual
Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing
Actor ID: 0x8000, 00e0-fcff-ff04
AL AL Partner ID Select Unselect Share Master
ID Type Ports Ports Type Port
10 M none 1 0 NonS Ethernet1/2
20 S 0x8000,00e0-fcff-ff01 1 0 NonS Ethernet1/3
display link-aggregation verbose
Syntax display link-aggregation verbose [ agg-id ]
View Any view
Parameter agg-id: ID of an existing link aggregation group, in the range 1 to 144.
Description Use the
display link-aggregation verbose command to display detailed
information about the specified or all link aggregation groups.
You may find that information about the remote system for a manual link
aggregation group is either replaced by none or not displayed at all. This is normal
because this type of aggregation group has no knowledge of its partner.
Example # Display detailed information about all the link aggregation groups.
Table 74 Description on the fields of display link-aggregation summary
Field Description
Aggregation Group Type Aggregation group type.
■ S: static LACP aggregation
■ M: manual aggregation
Loadsharing Type Load sharing type, which can be “Shar” (for load sharing)
and “NonS” (for non-load sharing).
Actor ID Local system ID
AL ID Link aggregation group ID
AL Type Link aggregation type, which can be dynamic LACP
aggregation, static LACP aggregation, or manual
Partner ID Remote system ID
Select Ports Number of selected ports
Unselect Ports Number of unselected ports
Share Type Load sharing type
Master Port Master port