display ntp-service sessions
Syntax display ntp-service sessions [ verbose ]
View Any view
Parameter verbose: Displays the detailed information of all NTP sessions.
Description Use the
display ntp-service sessions command to view the information of all
NTP sessions. Without the verbose keyword, this command will display only the
brief information of all NTP service sessions.
Example # View the brief information of NTP service sessions.
<Sysname> display ntp-service sessions
source reference stra reach poll now offset delay disper
[12345] 3 377 512 178 0.0 40.1 22.8
note: 1 source(master),2 source(peer),3 selected,4 candidate,5 configured
Total associations : 1
Table 605 Description on the fields of the display ntp-service sessions command
Field Description
source IP address of the clock source
reference Reference clock ID of the clock source
1 If the reference clock is the local clock, the value of this field is related to
the value of the stra field:
■ When the value of the stra field is 0 or 1, this field will be
■ When the stra field has another value, this filed will be the IP
address of the local clock.
2 If the reference clock is the clock of another device on the network, the
value of this field will be the IP address of that device.
stra Stratum level of the clock source
reach Reachability count of the clock source. 0 indicates that the clock source in
poll Poll interval, namely the maximum interval between successive NTP