The fr inarp command configured on an FR main interface also applies to its
Example # Enable InARP at all PVCs of the frame relay interface Serial 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] fr inarp
fr interface-type
Syntax fr interface-type { dce | dte | nni }
undo fr interface-type
View Interface view
Parameter dce: Set the type of frame relay interface to DCE (Data Circuit-terminating
dte: Set the type of frame relay interface to DTE (Data Terminal Equipment).
nni: Set the type of frame relay interface to NNI (Network-to-Network Interface).
Description Use the
fr interface-type command to set the frame relay interface type.
Use the
undo fr interface-type command to restore the default frame relay
interface type.
By default, the frame relay interface type is DTE.
In frame relay, there are two communicating parties, namely, the user side and
network side. The user side is called Data Terminal Equipment (DTE), and the
network side is called Data Communications Equipment (DCE). In a frame relay
network, the interface between the frame relay switches is Network-to-Network
Interface (NNI), and the corresponding interface adopts the NNI operating view. If
the device is used as frame relay switching, the frame relay interface should
operate in the NNI view or DCE mode. The system supports the three modes.
While configuring the frame relay interface type as DCE or NNI, it is unnecessary to
perform the fr switching command in the System view. Please note that this is
different from the mainstream equipment in the communications field.
Example # Set the type of the frame relay interface Serial 2/0 to DCE.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] fr interface-type dce