default entity fax
Syntax default entity fax baudrate { 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 14400 | disable | voice }
default entity fax ecm
default entity fax level level
default entity fax local-train threshold threshold
default entity fax nsf-on
default entity fax protocol { standard-t38 | t38 } [ hb-redundancy number |
lb-redundancy number ]
default entity fax protocol pcm { g711alaw | g711ulaw }
default entity fax train-mode { local | ppp }
undo default entity fax { baudrate | ecm | level | local-train threshold | nsf-on |
protocol | train-mode }
View Voice dial program view
Parameter baudrate: Specifies the maximum transmission rate of the fax. The default value
is voice.
■ 2400: Sets the maximum transmission rate to 2400 bps.
■ 4800: Negotiates the baud rate first in accordance with the V.27 fax protocol.
The maximum transmission rate is 4800 bps.
■ 9600: Negotiates the baud rate first in accordance with the V.29 fax protocol.
The maximum transmission rate to 9600 bps.
■ 14400: Negotiates the baud rate first in accordance with the V.17 fax protocol.
The maximum transmission rate to 14400 bps.
■ disable: Disables the fax forwarding capability.
■ voice: Sets the fax rate to the allowed maximum voice speed for different
codec protocols.
ecm: Enables the fax error correction mode. It is disabled by default.
level level: Specifies the fax signal level in dBm (in the range of -60 to -3). The
default value is -15.