View Interface view
Parameter k-value: Maximum number of sequence numbered frames to be acknowledged by
DTE or DCE during any specified time. If the modulo is 8, the value of the window
parameter K ranges 1 to 7. If the modulo is 128, the value of the window
parameter K ranges 1 to 127.
Description Use the
lapb window-size command to configure the LAPB window parameter
Use the
undo lapb window-size command to restore the default.
The default is 7.
Related command: lapb modulo.
Example # Set the LAPB window parameter K on the interface Serial 2/0 to 5.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] lapb window-size 5
link-protocol lapb
Syntax link-protocol lapb [dce | dte ] [ ip | multi-protocol ]
View Interface view
Parameter dce: Specifies DCE mode of LAPB.
dte: Specifies DTE mode of LAPB.
ip: Specifies the upper layer protocol as IP.
multi-protocol: Specifies the upper layer protocol as multi-protocol.
Description Use the
link-protocol lapb command to specify the link layer protocol of the
interface as LAPB.
By default, the link layer protocol of an interface is PPP.
When the link layer protocol is LAPB, the default operating mode is DTE, and the
upper layer protocol is IP.
Though LAPB is a layer-2 protocol of X.25, it can act as an independent link-layer
protocol for simple data transmission. Generally, LAPB can be used when two
routers are directly connected with a dedicated line. At that time one end works in
the DTE mode, and the other in the DCE mode.