Example # Specify the URL of the server for certificate request.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] pki domain 1
[Sysname-pki-domain-1] certificate request url
Syntax common-name name
undo common-name
View PKI entity view
Parameter name: Common name of an entity, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.
No comma can be included.
Description Use the
common-name command to configure the common name of an entity,
which can be, for example, the user name
Use the
undo common-name command to remove the configuration.
By default, no common name is specified.
Example # Configure the common name of an entity as test.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] pki entity 1
[Sysname-pki-entity-1] common-name pki test
Syntax country country-code-str
undo country
View PKI entity view
Parameter country-code-str: Country code for the entity, a 2-character case-insensitive string.
Description Use the
country command to specify the code of the country to which an entity
belongs. It is a standard 2-character code, for example, CN for China.
Use the
undo country command to remove the configuration.
By default, no country code is specified.
Example # Set the country code of an entity to CN.