Only one channel set can be created on an E1-F interface, and this channel set is
associated with the current synchronous serial interface. On a CE1/PRI interface,
however, you may create multiple channel sets; for each of them, the system
automatically creates a synchronous serial interface.
Timeslot 0 on E1-F interfaces is used for synchronization. Therefore, a bundling
operation only involves timeslots 1 through 31.
When the E1-F interface is working in unframed mode, the fe1 timeslot-list
command is invalid.
Related command: fe1 unframed.
Example # Bundle timeslots 1, 2, 5, 10 through 15, and 18 on E1-F interface Serial 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0]fe1 timeslot-list 1,2,5,10-15,18
fe1 idlecode
Syntax fe1 idlecode { 7e | ff }
undo fe1 idlecode
View E1-F interface view
Parameter 7e: Sets the line idle code to 0x7E.
ff: Sets the line idle code to 0xFF.
Description Use the
fe1 idlecode command to set the line idle code on the E1-F interface.
Two types of line idle code are available: 0x7E and 0xFF.
Use the
undo fe1 idlecode command to restore the default, that is, 0x7E.
The line idle code is sent in the timeslots that are not bundled into the logical
channels on the interface.
Example # Set the line idle code to 0x7E on E1-F interface Serial 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] fe1 idlecode 7e
fe1 itf
Syntax fe1 itf { number number | type { 7e | ff }}
undo fe1 itf { number | type }