The IPv6 address prefix list is used to filter IPv6 addresses. It may have multiple
items, and each of them specifies a range of IPv6 prefix. The filtering relation
among items is logic OR, namely, a route passing an item will pass the prefix list.
The IPv6 prefix range is determined by prefix-length and [ min-prefix-length,
max-prefix-length ]. If both mask-length and [ min-mask-length,
max-mask-length ] are specified, then the IPv6 addresses must satisfy both of
If ipv6-address prefix-length is specified as :: 0, then only the default route
If you want to it match all the routes, configure it as :: 0 less-equal 128.
Examples # Permit the IPv6 addresses with mask length between 32 bits and 64 bits.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ip ipv6-prefix abc permit :: 0 greater-equal 32 less-equal 64
# Deny the IPv6 addresses with prefix as 3FFE:D00::/32, prefix length greater than
or equal to 32 bits.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ip ipv6-prefix abc deny 3FEE:D00:: 32 less-equal 128
reset ip ipv6-prefix
Syntax reset ip ipv6-prefix [ ipv6-prefix-name ]
View User view
Parameters ipv6-prefix-name: IPv6 prefix list name, a string of 1 to 19 characters.
Description Use the
reset ip ipv6-prefix command to clear the statistics of the specified IPv6
prefix list. If no name is specified, the statistics of all IPv6 prefix lists will be cleared.
Examples # Clear the statistics of IPv6 prefix list abc.
<Sysname> reset ip ipv6-prefix abc