example, if the DTE with CUG number as 10 wants to call the DTE with CUG
number as 20 in the network, the device will first find the map in the map table. If
the map is found, change the CUG number of the calling packet to 20 and
forward the packet; if not found, refuse to forward the packet.
You can specify the suppress rule while configuring CUG map. There are three
suppress rules:
1 Suppress income access no-incoming
2 Suppress outgoing access no-outgoing
3 Specify the preference rule preferential
Among them, preference rule is specified as related with suppress CUG policy, that
is, if suppress policy is set to suppress CUG in the preferential mapping call (the
suppress preferential parameter), then delete the CUG facility in the incoming
packets of the map and process the calls.
Related command: x25 call-facility, x25 cug-service.
If the command is used at DCE side, use the link-protocol x25 dce command to
set the interface as DCE.
Example # Define the rule on the serial interface Serial2/0: the incoming calls with 100 local
CUGs or 200 network CUGs are denied.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] x25 cug-service
[Sysname-Serial2/0] x25 local-cug 100 network-cug 200 no-incoming
x25 map
Syntax x25 map protocol-type protocol-address x121-address x.121-address [ option ]
undo x25 map { ip | compressedtcp } protocol-address
View Interface view
Parameter protocol-type: Protocol type, with ip (IP protocol) and/or compressedtcp (IP
protocol supporting TCP header compression). If you want to configure both of
them, ensure that the protocol-address are same for both ip and compressedtcp.
The compressedtcp requires correct configuration for all the link ends, otherwise,
the link may be blocked.
protocol-address: Network protocol address of the peer host.
x121-address x.121-address: X.121 address of the peer host.
option: Specifies some attributes or user facilities for the address mapping.
The following gives the detailed information of options: