vrrp ipv6 vrid virtual-ip
Syntax vrrp ipv6 vrid virtual-router-id virtual-ip virtual-address [link-local]
undo vrrp ipv6 vrid virtual-router-id [ virtual-ip virtual-address [ link-local ]]
View Interface view
Parameter virtual-router-id: VRRP standby group number, in the range 1 to 255.
virtual-address: Virtual IPv6 address.
link-local: Indicates that the virtual IPv6 address of the standby group is a link
local address.
Description Use the
vrrp ipv6 vrid virtual-ip link-local command to create a standby
group and assign the first virtual IPv6 address to the specified standby group. The
first virtual IPv6 address assigned to a standby group must be a link local address
and only one such address is allowed in a standby group.
Use the
vrrp ipv6 vrid virtual-ip command to add a virtual IPv6 address to a
standby group.
Use the
undo vrrp ipv6 vrid command to remove a standby group.
Use the
undo vrrp ipv6 vrid virtual-router-id virtual-ip virtual-address
[ link-local ] command to remove a virtual IPv6 address from a standby group.
After you remove all virtual IPv6 addresses, the standby group is automatically
removed. Note that the first address assigned to the group must be removed the
By default, no standby group is created.
Example # Create standby group 1, and configure its virtual IPv6 address as fe80::10.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] vrrp ipv6 vrid 1 virtual-ip fe80::10 link-local
# Configure the virtual IPv6 address of standby group 1 as 1::10.
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] vrrp ipv6 vrid 1 virtual-ip 1::10