display isis traffic-eng link
Syntax display isis traffic-eng link [ level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2 ] [ verbose ] [ process-id |
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]
View Any view
Parameter level-1: Displays the TE information of IS-IS Level-1 routers.
level-1-2: Displays the TE information of IS-IS Level-1-2 routers.
level-2: Displays the TE information of IS-IS Level-2 routers.
verbose: Displays details.
process-id: IS-IS process ID, in the range 1 to 65535.
LSP Checksum LSP checksum
LSP Holdtime LSP holdtime
ATT/P/OL Attach bit (ATT)
Partition bit (P)
Overload bit (OL)
NLPID Network protocol type
AREA ADDR IS-IS area address
INTF ADDR Interface address
Router ID Router ID
+NBR Neighbor
Admin Group Link administrative group attribute
Interface IP Address Interface IP address
Physical BW Physical bandwidth
Reservable BW Reservable bandwidth
BW Unresrv[0]-[7] Available subpool bandwidths at eight levels
TE Cost TE cost
Bandwidth Constraint Model Bandwidth constraint model
BC[0] Global pool
BC[1] Subpool
Local Overbooking Multiplier Local overbooking multiplier
Local overbooking multiplier. The bracketed
number indicates the level of bandwidth.
Peer IP Address Peer IP address
Table 389 Description on the fields of display isis traffic-eng advertisements
Field Description