Description Use the display bgp ipv6 network command to display IPv6 routes advertised
with the network command.
Examples # Display IPv6 routes advertised with the network command.
<Sysname> display bgp ipv6 network
BGP Local Router ID is
Local AS Number is 200.
Network Mask Route-policy Short-cut
2002:: 64
2001:: 64 Short-cut
display bgp ipv6 paths
Syntax display bgp ipv6 paths [ as-regular-expression ]
View Any view
Parameters as-regular-expression: AS path regular expression.
Description Use the
display bgp ipv6 paths command to display IPv6 BGP path
If no parameter is specified, all path information will be displayed.
Examples # Display IPv6 BGP path information.
<Sysname> display bgp ipv6 paths
Address Hash Refcount MED Path/Origin
0x5917098 1 1 0 i
0x59171D0 9 2 0 100i
Table 288 Description on the fields of the display bgp ipv6 network command
Field Description
BGP Local Router ID BGP Local Router ID
Local AS Number Local AS Number
Network Network address
Prefix Prefix length
Route-policy Routing policy
Short-cut Shortcut route
Table 289 Description on the fields of the display bgp ipv6 paths command
Field Description
Address Route destination address in local database, in dotted hexadecimal
Hash Hash index
Refcount Count of routes that used the path
MED MED of the path