Parameter pvc-name: PVC name, a unique string of 1 to 16 characters on ATM interface, not
case-sensitive. The name cannot be the same as a valid VPI/VCI pair value. For
example, the name 1/20 is not allowed.
vpi/vci: VPI/VCI pair. VPI is short for virtual path identifier; its value ranges from 0
to 255. VCI is short for virtual channel identifier; its value range varies by interface
type. Normally, VCI values from 0 to 31 are reserved for special purpose, you are
not recommended to use them. For details regarding the value range, refer to
Table 28.
■ The vpi and vci argument cannot both be 0.
■ A PVC in a specific PVC-Group cannot be removed in ATM interface view.
Description Use the
pvc command to create a PVC or enter the PVC view on ATM interface, or
to add the specified PVC into PVC-Group.
Use the
undo pvc command to delete the specified PVC.
By default, no PVC is created.
■ If you specified the pvc-name argument when creating a PVC, you can use the
pvc pvc-name [ vpi/vci ] command to enter the view of that PVC
■ You can use either the undo pvc pvc-name [ vpi/vci ] command or the undo
pvc vpi/vci command to delete that PVC.
The VPI/VCI value of a PVC should be unique at an ATM interface (including the
main interface and the sub-interface).
The actual number of PVCs that can be created depends on the pvc max-number
Related command: display atm pvc-info, pvc max-number.
Example # Create a PVC named “aa” with the VPI/VCI value of 1/101.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface atm 1/0
[Sysname-Atm1/0] pvc aa 1/101
Table 28 VCI range for each type of ATM interface
Interface type VCI
ADSL <0-255>
G.SHDSL <0-255>
ATMOC3 <0-1023>
ATME3 <0-1023>
ATMT3 <0-1023>