Syntax ebs [ inbound | outbound ] excess-burst-size
undo ebs [ inbound | outbound ]
View Frame relay class view
Parameters inbound: Sets the EBS in inbound direction, valid only when FRTP is enabled on
the interface.
outbound: Sets EBS in outbound direction, valid only when FRTS is enabled on
the interface.
excess-burst-size: EBS in bit, ranging from 0 to 16000000. It defaults to 0 bit.
Description Use the
ebs command to set EBS of FR virtual circuit.
Use the
undo ebs command to restore the default value.
EBS is the maximum of the part that packet traffic exceeds the committed burst
size (CBS) within an interval of Tc. When congestion occurs on the network, this
part of excess traffic will be first discarded.
When this command is used, the set EBS value will be valid in both inbound and
outbound directions if the parameters inbound and outbound are not specified.
Related commands: cbs, cir allow, cir.
Examples # Set the EBS of the FR class named test1 to 32000 bits.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] fr class test1
[Sysname-fr-class-test1] ebs 32000
fifo queue-length
Syntax fifo queue-length queue-length
undo fifo queue-length
View Frame relay class view
Parameters queue-length: FIFO queue length, namely, the maximum number of packets that
can be held by the queue, ranging from 1 to 1024. By default, it is 40.
Description Use the
fifo queue-length command to set the FIFO queue length of FR virtual
Use the
undo fifo queue-length command to restore the default value.