Restart Interval: 150
SA Bit Supported
Total Number of Interfaces = 1
Restart Status: RESTARTING
Number of LSPs Awaited: 3
T3 Timer Status:
Remaining Time: 239
T2 Timer Status:
Remaining Time: 59
IS-IS(1) Level-2 Restart Status
Restart Interval: 150
SA Bit Supported
Total Number of Interfaces = 1
Restart Status: RESTARTING
Number of LSPs Awaited: 3
T3 Timer Status:
Remaining Time: 239
T2 Timer Status:
Remaining Time: 59
display isis interface
Syntax display isis interface [[traffic-eng | verbose ] * | tunnel ] [ process-id | vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ]
View Any view
Parameters traffic-eng: Displays IS-IS traffic engineering information.
verbose: Displays IS-IS interface detail information.
tunnel: Displays IS-IS tunnel information.
process-id: IS-IS process ID, in the range of 1 to 65535.
vpn-instance-name: VPN instance name, a string of 1 to 31 characters.
Description Use the
display isis interface command to view IS-IS enabled interface
The information displayed by this command includes interface name, interface IP
address, interface link state and so on. Besides all the information displayed by
Table 234 Description on the fields of the display isis graceful-restart status command
Field Description
Restart Interval Graceful Restart interval
SA Bit Supported The SA bit is set
Total Number of Interfaces = 1 The current IS-IS interface number
Restart Status: Graceful Restart status
T3 Timer Status Remaining time of T3 timer
T2 Timer Status: Remaining time of T2 Timer