display portal tcp-cheat statistics
Syntax display portal tcp-cheat statistics
View Any view
Parameter None
Description Use the
display portal tcp-cheat statistics command to display TCP spoofing
Example # Display all TCP spoofing statistics.
<Sysname> display portal tcp-cheat statistics
TCP Cheat Statistic:
Total Opens: 0
Reset Connections: 0
Current Opens: 0
Packets Received: 0
Packets Sent: 0
Packets Retransmitted: 0
Packets Dropped: 0
HTTP Packets Sent: 0
ACK_CHALLENGE Challenge acknowledgment message the access
device sends to the portal server
REQ_AUTH Authentication request message the portal server
sends to the access device
ACK_AUTH Authentication acknowledgment message the
access device sends to the portal server
REQ_LOGOUT Logout request message the portal server sends to
the access device
ACK_LOGOUT Logout acknowledgment message the access
device sends to the portal server
AFF_ACK_AUTH Affirmation message the portal server sends to the
access device after receiving an authentication
success message
NTF_LOGOUT Forced logout notification message the access
device sends to the portal server
REQ_INFO Information request message
ACK_INFO Information acknowledgment message
NTF_USERDISCOVER User discovery notification message the portal
server sends to the access device
NTF_USERIPCHANGE User IP change notification message the access
device sends to the portal server
AFF_NTF_USERIPCHANGE User IP change success notification message the
portal server sends to the access device
ACK_NTF_LOGOUT Forced logout acknowledgment message from the
portal server
Table 541 Description on the fields of the display portal server statistics command
Field Description