Label Advertisement Mode : Downstream Unsolicited
Label Resource Status(Peer/Local) : Available/Available
Peer Discovery Mechanism : Basic
Session existed time : 000:00:06 (DDD:HH:MM)
LDP Basic Discovery Source : Ethernet1/0
Addresses received from peer: (Count: 3)
display mpls ldp vpn-instance
Syntax display mpls ldp vpn-instance vpn-instance-name [ | { begin | exclude | include }
regular-expression ]
View Any view
Table 378 Description on the fields of display mpls ldp session verbose
Field Description
Peer LDP ID LDP identifier of the peer
Local LDP ID Local LDP identifier
TCP connection TCP connection of the session
Session State Status of the session
Session Role Role of the current LSR in the session,
Active or Passive
Keepalive Message Sent/Rcvd [X/Y] X: Number of Keepalive messages sent by
the current LSR during the session
Y: Number of Keepalive messages received
by the current LSR during the session
Negotiated Keep Alive Timer Negotiated Keepalive timer
Label Advertisement Mode Label advertisement mode of the session
Label Resource Status(Peer/Local) Status of the label resource of the peer and
that of the local label resource
Session FT Flag Whether GR FT is enabled on the peer for
the session
MD5 Flag Whether MD5 authentication is enabled on
the peer
Peer Discovery Mechanism Discovery mechanism of the peer: Basic or
Session existed time Length of time that elapsed since the
session is established
LDP Basic Discovery Source Interface where the session is established.
The value is the name of the interface for
basic discovery and name of the remote
peer for extended discovery.
LDP Extended Discovery Source
Reconnect Timer GR reconnection timer
Recovery Timer GR recovery timer
Addresses received from peer Addresses received from the peer during
the session