display x25 alias-policy
Syntax display x25 alias-policy [ interface interface-type interface-number ]
View Any view
Parameter interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and
window-size 7 Window size of this interface LAPB is 7.
max-frame 12056 The maximum length of frame sent by the interface LAPB is
12056 bits.
retry 10 Maximum re-sending times of information frame of this
interface LAPB is 10.
timer Delay value of timers of this interface LAPB, in milliseconds.
The unit of T3 is second.
state Current status of this interface LAPB.
VS Sending variable of this interface LAPB.
VR Receiving variable of this interface LAPB.
Remote VR Peer’s last acknowledgment on information frame received
by this interface LAPB.
IFRAME 147/254 ... DISC 0/0 Statistics information of frames sent and received by this
interface LAPB, format: received quantity/sent quantity.
invalid ns Error statistics of this interface LAPB, including total of
received information frames carrying erroneous sequence
invalid nr Error statistics of this interface LAPB, including total of
received information frames and monitoring frames
carrying erroneous acknowledgment numbers.
link resets Restarting times of this interface LAPB link.
Physical layer is synchronous Physical layer is synchronous
Baudrate is 64000 bps Baudrate is 64000 bps on the interface
Interface is DCE, Cable type is
V35, Clock mode is DCECLK
Interface is DCE, Cable type is V35, Clock mode is DCECLK
Last clearing of counters: Never Counters has never been removed
Last 300 seconds input rate Average input rate in last 300 seconds
Last 300 seconds output rate Average output rate in last 300 seconds
Input Input packets
Output Output packets
DCD Data carrier detection
DTR Data terminal ready
DSR Data set ready
RTS Request to send
CTS Clear to send
Table 55 Description on the fields of the display interface command
Field Description