If no level is specified, then both Level-1 and Level-2 (or Level-1-2) link state
databases are displayed by default.
Description Use the
display isis lsdb command to display IS-IS link state database.
Examples # Display Level-1 LSDB information.
<Sysname> dis isis lsdb level-1
Database information for ISIS(1)
Level-1 Link State Database
LSPID Seq Num Checksum Holdtime Length ATT/P/OL
bbbb.cccc.dddd.00-00* 0x0000001d 0x165 820 36 1/0/0
*-Self LSP, +-Self LSP(Extended), ATT-Attached, P-Partition, OL-Overload
display isis mesh-group
Syntax display isis mesh-group [ process-id | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]
View Any view
Parameters process-id: Specifies an IS-IS process ID, in the range of 1 to 65535.
vpn-instance-name: Specifies a VPN instance name, in the range of 1 to 31
Description Use the
display isis mesh-group command to display IS-IS mesh-group.
Examples # Add the Serial2/0 interface and Serial2/1 interface on a router to mesh-group
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] isis mesh-group 100
[Sysname-Serial2/0] quit
[Sysname] interface serial 2/1
[Sysname-Serial2/1] isis mesh-group 100
Table 237 Description on the fields of the display isis lsdb command
Field Description
LSPID Link state packet ID
Seq Num LSP sequence number
Checksum LSP checksum
Holdtime LSP holdtime
Length LSP length
ATT/P/OL Attach bit (ATT)
Partition bit (P)
Overload bit (OL)