portal server
Syntax portal server server-name ip ip-address [ key key-string | port port-id | url url-string ]
undo portal server server-name [ key | port | url ]
View System view
Parameter server-name: Name of the portal server, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32
ip-address: IP address of the portal server.
key-string: Shared key required for communication with the portal server, a
case-sensitive string of 1 to 16 characters.
port-id: Destination port ID used when the device sends a message to the portal
server on its own, in the range 1 to 65534. The default is 50100.
url-string: Uniform resource locator (URL) to which HTTP packets are to be
redirected, in the http://ip-address format. The default of ip-address is the IP
address of the portal server.
Description Use the
portal server command to configure a portal server.
Use the undo portal server command to delete the specified portal server or
restore the default.
By default, no portal server is configured.
Note that if the specified portal server exists but there is no user on the interface,
the specified portal server will be deleted if no parameter is specified when the
undo portal server command is executed. Otherwise, the port and url
parameters, if specified, will be restored to the default values.
Related command: display portal server.
■ The parameters of a portal server are modifiable. If the portal feature is
enabled on an interface, the portal server applied to the interface cannot be
deleted. If there are users on this interface, the parameters of the portal
server cannot be modified.
■ You must disable portal authentication on the interface before deleting the
portal server applied to an interface in system view.
Example # Configure portal server pts, setting the IP address to, the key to
portal, and the redirection URL to