Parameter all: Specifies all VPNv4 peers.
vpn-instance-name: Name of the VPN instance, a string of 1 to 31 characters.
Description Use the
display bgp vpnv4 network command to display information about
BGP VPNv4 routes injected into a specified or all VPN instances.
Example # Display information about BGP VPNv4 routes injected into VPN instance vpn1.
<Sysname> display bgp vpnv4 vpn-instance vpn1 network
BGP Local Router ID is
Local AS Number is 100.
Network Mask Route-policy
display bgp vpnv4 paths
Syntax display bgp vpnv4 { all | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name } paths
[ as-regular-expression ]
View Any view
Parameter all: Specifies all VPNv4 peers.
vpn-instance-name: Name of the VPN instance, a string of 1 to 31 characters.
as-regular-expression: Regular expression for filtering the AS path information to
be displayed.
Description Use the
display bgp vpnv4 paths command to display the BGP VPNv4 AS path
Example # Display the BGP VPNv4 AS path information of VPN instance vpn1.
<Sysname> display bgp vpnv4 vpn-instance vpn1 paths
Address Hash Refcount MED Path/Origin
0x6E72D18 0 1 0 200?
0x6E72E50 0 1 0 i
0x6E72B78 1 1 0 ?
0x6E72BE0 1 2 0 ?
# Display all BGP VPNv4 AS path information.
Table 445 Description on the fields of the display bgp vpnv4 network command
Field Description
BGP Local Router ID Router ID of the local BGP router
Local AS Number Number of the local AS
Network Advertised network route
Mask Mask of the advertised network route
Route-policy Routing policy configured