delete static-routes all
Syntax delete [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] static-routes all
View System view
Parameters vpn-instance-name: Name of a VPN instance, a string of 1 to 31 case-sensitive
Description Use the
delete static-routes all command to delete all static routes.
When you use this command to delete static routes, the system will prompt you to
confirm the operation before deleting all the static routes.
Related commands: display ip routing-table on page 929 and ip route-static.
Examples # Delete all static routes on the router.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] delete static-routes all
This will erase all ipv4 static routes and their configurations, you must reconf
igure all static routes
Are you sure?[Y/N]:Y
ip route-static
Syntax ip route-static dest-address { mask | mask-length } { gateway-address [ track
track-entry-number ] | interface-type interface-number | vpn-instance
d-vpn-instance-name gateway-address [ track track-entry-number ]} [preference
preference-value ] [ tag tag-value ] [ description description-text ]
undo ip route-static dest-address { mask | mask-length } [ gateway-address |
interface-type interface-number [ gateway-address ] | vpn-instance
d-vpn-instance-name gateway-address ] [ preference preference-value ]
ip route-static vpn-instance s-vpn-instance-name&<1-6> dest-address { mask |
mask-length } { gateway-address [ track track-entry-number ] [ public ] |
interface-type interface-number | vpn-instance d-vpn-instance-name gateway-address
[ track track-entry-number ]} [preference preference-value ] [ tag tag-value ]
[ description description-text