Examples # Display brief routing information for the specified destination IPv6 address and
<Sysname> display ipv6 routing-table 10::1 127
Routing Table:
Summary Count: 3
Destination: 10::/64 Protocol : Static
NextHop : :: Preference: 60
Interface : NULL0 Cost : 0
Destination: 10::/68 Protocol : Static
NextHop : :: Preference: 60
Interface : NULL0 Cost : 0
Destination: 10::/120 Protocol : Static
NextHop : :: Preference: 60
Interface : NULL0 Cost : 0
# Display brief information about the matched route with the longest prefix
<Sysname> display ipv6 routing-table 10:: 127 longer-match
Routing Tables:
Summary Count : 1
Destination: 10::/120 Protocol : Static
NextHop : :: Preference: 60
Interface : NULL0 Cost : 0
Refer to Table 209 for description about the above output.
display ipv6 routing-table ipv6-address1 ipv6-address2
Syntax display ipv6 routing-table ipv6-address1 prefix-length1 ipv6-address2 prefix-length2
[ verbose ]
View Any view
Parameters ipv6-address1/ipv6-address2: An IPv6 address range from IPv6 address1 to IPv6
prefix-length1/prefix-length2: Prefix length, in the range 0 to 128.
verbose: Displays both active and inactive verbose routing information. Without
this keyword, only brief active routing information is displayed.
Description Use the
display ipv6 routing-table ipv6-address1 ipv6-address2 command to
display routes with destinations falling into the specified IPv6 address range.
Examples # Display routes with destinations falling into the IPv6 address range.
<Sysname> display ipv6 routing-table 3:: 32 4:4:: 64
Routing Table :
Summary Count : 3
Destination: 100::/64 Protocol : Static
NextHop : :: Preference: 60
Interface : NULL0 Cost : 0
Destination: 200::/64 Protocol : Static
NextHop : :: Preference: 60