display multicast ipv6 boundary
Syntax display multicast ipv6 boundary [ ipv6-group-address [ prefix-length ] | interface
interface-type interface-number ]
View Any view
Parameter ipv6-group-address: IPv6 multicast group address, in the range of FFxy::/16, where
x and y represent any hexadecimal number from 0 through F.
prefix-length: Prefix length of the IPv6 multicast group address, in the range of 8
to 128. The system default is 128.
interface-type interface-number: Interface type and interface number.
Description Use the
display multicast ipv6 boundary command to display the IPv6
multicast boundary information on the specified interface or all interfaces.
Related command: multicast ipv6 boundary.
Example # Display the IPv6 multicast boundary information configured on all interfaces.
<Sysname> display multicast ipv6 boundary
IPv6 multicast boundary information
Boundary Interface
FF03::/16 Eth1/0
FF09::/16 Pos5/0
display multicast ipv6 forwarding-table
Syntax display multicast ipv6 forwarding-table [ ipv6-source-address [ prefix-length ] |
ipv6-group-address [ prefix-length ] | incoming-interface { interface-type
interface-number | register } | outgoing-interface {{exclude | include | match }
{ interface-type interface-number | register }} | statistics ] [ port-info ]
Table 345 Description on the fields of the display multicast ipv6 boundary command
Field Description
Boundary IPv6 multicast group corresponding to the IPv6 multicast boundary
Interface Boundary interface corresponding to the IPv6 multicast boundary