vty description
Syntax vty vty-number description string
undo vty vty-number description
View Terminal template view
Parameters vty-number: VTY number, ranging 0 to 7.
string: VTY description, a string of 1 to 31 characters.
Description Use the
vty description command to configure a description for a VTY.
Use the undo vty description command to remove the description for a VTY.
By default, no description is configured for a VTY.
For a VTY of a service, you are recommended to use the service name as the
description information of the VTY for convenience.
Example # Set the description information of VTY 1 to chuxu.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta template abc
[Sysname-rta-template-abc] vty 1 description chuxu
vty hotkey
Syntax vty vty-number hotkey ascii-code&<1-3>
undo vty vty-number hotkey
View Terminal template view
Parameters vty-number: VTY number, ranging 0 to 7.
ascii-code&<1-3>: ASCII value of the hotkey, ranging 1 to 255. “&<1-3>” means
that you can provide up to three ASCII values.
Description Use the
vty vty-number hotkey command to set the hotkey for VTY fast
Use the
undo vty vty-number hotkey command to cancel the hotkey
By default, no hotkey is configured for VTY fast switching.
Terminal access supports VTY switching, allowing you to switch between
applications. In terminal access, each terminal can be logically divided into eight