
up (3), down (0)
Interface Encap Type State VC Type
Serial2/0 ppp up CCC
Serial2/1 ppp up bgp-vc
Serial2/2 ppp up static-vc
# Display information about interfaces of Kompella L2VPN VCs.
<Sysname> display l2vpn ccc-interface vc-type bgp-vc
Total ccc-interface of BGP VC: 1
up (1), down (0)
Interface Encap Type State VC Type
Serial2/1 ppp up bgp-vc
# Display information about interfaces of SVC L2VPN VCs that are in the state of
<Sysname> display l2vpn ccc-interface vc-type svc-vc up
Total ccc-interface of SVC VC: 1,
up (1), down (0)
Interface Encap Type State VC Type
Serial2/2 ppp up static-vc
display mpls l2vc
Syntax display mpls l2vc [ interface interface-type interface-number | remote-info ]
View Any view
Parameter interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies the interface connecting the
CE by its type and number.
remote-info: Specifies Martini VCs from the remote peer.
Description Use the
display mpls l2vc command to display information about Martini VCs
configured on the router.
If you specify an interface, the command displays information about Martini VCs
configured on the CE interface.
Example # Display information about all Martini VCs configured on the router.
<Sysname> display mpls l2vc
total ldp vc : 3 0 up 3 down
Table 428 Description on the fields of display l2vpn ccc-interface vc-type
Field Description
Total ccc-interface of XXX VC Total interface number of L2VPN VCs of type xxx
Interface Name of the interface
Encap Type Encapsulation type of the interface
State Status of the interface
VC Type Encapsulation type of the L2VPN VC interface