deny: Discards frames whose source address or destination address is the
specified address on all interfaces or the specified interface.
permit: Forwards frames whose source address or destination address is the
specified address on all interfaces or the specified interface.
interface: Specifies an outbound interface.
interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its name and number.
dlsw: Specified that the outbound interface is a DLSw module.
Description Use the
bridge mac-address command to configure a static bridge table entry.
Use the
undo bridge mac-address command to remove a static bridge table
Example # Configure a static bridge table entry so that Ethernet1/0 can forward frames
with a destination MAC address of 0000-0000-0111.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bridge 1 mac-address 0000-0000-0111 permit interface ethernet 1/0
bridge routing
Syntax bridge bridge-set routing { ip | ipx }
undo bridge bridge-set routing { ip | ipx }
View System view
Parameters bridge-set: Bridge set number, an integer in the range of 1 to 255.
ip: Specifies the Internet protocol (IP).
ipx: Specifies the internetwork packet exchange (IPX) protocol.
Description Use the
bridge routing command to enable routing of the specified protocol(s)
on the specified bridge set.
Use the
undo bridge routing command to disable routing of the specified
protocol(s) on the specified bridge set.
By default, routing of network layer protocols is disabled.
If the bridge set is configured to route the specified protocol, the packets of the
protocol that need to be routed will be routed.
Example # Enable IP routing in bridge set 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bridge 1 routing ip