
p2mp: Specifies the network type as P2MP.
p2p: Specifies the network type as P2P.
Description Use the
ospf network-type command to set the network type for an OSPF
Use the
undo ospf network-type command to restore the default network
type for an OSPF interface.
By default, the network type of an interface depends on its link layer protocol.
For Ethernet and FDDI, the default network type is broadcast.
For ATM, FR, HDLC and X.25, the default network type is NBMA.
For PPP, LAPB and POS, the default network type is P2P.
Note that:
If a router on a broadcast network does not support multicast, you can
configure the interface’s network type as NBMA.
If an NBMA network is fully meshed, you can configure the network type for
interfaces as NBMA. If not, you need to configure the network type as P2MP
for two routers having no direct link to exchange routing information through
another router.
When the network type of an interface is NBMA, you need to use the peer
command to specify a neighbor.
If only two routers run OSPF on a network segment, you can configure
associated interfaces’ network type as P2P.
Related commands: ospf dr-priority.
This command is not supported on the NULL interface.
Examples # Configure the current interface’s network type as NBMA.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] ospf network-type nbma
ospf timer dead
Syntax ospf timer dead seconds
undo ospf timer dead
View Interface view
Parameters seconds: Dead interval in seconds, in the range 1 to 2147483647.