Examples # Set the area authentication password to hello, and the authentication mode to
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] isis
[Sysname-isis-1] area-authentication-mode simple hello
auto cost enable
Syntax auto-cost enable
undo auto-cost enable
View IS-IS view
Parameters None
Description Use the
auto-cost enable command to enable interfaces of the current IS-IS
process to calculate interface cost automatically.
Use the
undo auto-cost enable command to disable the function.
This function is disabled by default.
The preference of interface cost set by the auto-cost command is lower than that
set by the circuit-cost command. The preference from high to low is: the cost set
by the isis cost command, the global cost set by the circuit cost command, the
cost automatically calculated and the default cost.
When the cost-style is wide or wide-compatible, the cost value of an interface
is calculated by using the following formula:
cost = (reference value/bandwidth)×10.
Related commands: bandwidth-reference (IS-IS view), cost-style.
Examples # Enable interfaces of IS-IS process 1 to calculate interface cost automatically.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] isis
[Sysname-isis-1] auto-cost enable
bandwidth-reference (IS-IS view)
Syntax bandwidth-reference value
undo bandwidth-reference
View IS-IS view