Parameter interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number. If
you do not specify an interface, this command will display the minimum hop limit
required for an IPv6 multicast packet to be forwarded on all interfaces.
Description Use the
display multicast ipv6 minimum-hoplimit command to view the
minimum hop limit required for an IPv6 multicast packet to be forwarded on the
specified interface or all interfaces.
Related command: multicast ipv6 minimum-hoplimit.
Example # Display the minimum hop limit required for an IPv6 multicast packet to be
forwarded on all interfaces.
<Sysname> display multicast ipv6 minimum-hoplimit
IPv6 multicast Hop Limit information
Interface Hop Limit
Eth1/0 5
Eth1/1 6
display multicast ipv6 routing-table
Syntax display multicast ipv6 routing-table [ ipv6-source-address [ prefix-length ] |
ipv6-group-address [ prefix-length ] | incoming-interface { interface-type
interface-number | register } | outgoing-interface {{exclude | include | match }
{ interface-type interface-number | register }}] *
View Any view
Parameter ipv6-source-address: Multicast source address.
ipv6-group-address: IPv6 multicast group address, in the range of FFxy::/16, where
x and y represent any hexadecimal number from 0 through F.
prefix-length: Prefix length of the multicast group/source address. For an IPv6
multicast group address, this argument has an effective value range of 8 to 128;
for an IPv6 multicast source address, this argument has an effective value range of
0 to 128. The system default is 128 in both cases.
incoming-interface: Displays routing entries whose incoming interface is the
specified one.
interface-type interface-number: Interface type and interface number.
register: Represents a registered interface.
Table 348 Description on the fields of the display multicast ipv6 minimum-hoplimit
Field Description
Interface Interface name
Hop Limit Minimum hop limit value required for an IPv6 multicast packet to be
forwarded on the interface