<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface t3 2/0
[Sysname-T3 2/0] t1 1 sendloopcode inband-line-up
t1 set clock
Syntax t1 line-number set clock { master | slave }
undo t1 line-number set clock
View CT3 interface view
Parameter line-number: T1 line number in the range 1 to 28.
master: Adopts the internal clock as the clock source on the T1 line.
slave: Adopts the line clock as the clock source on the T1 line.
Description Use the
t1 set clock command to configure clock source for a T1 line on the CT3
Use the
undo t1 set clock command to restore the default, that is, line clock.
When a CT3 interface is working in channelized mode, its T1 lines may use
separate clocks.
Example # Use the internal clock as the clock source on the first T1 line on interface T3 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface t3 2/0
[Sysname-T3 2/0] t1 1 set clock slave
t1 set frame-format
Syntax t1 line-number set frame-format { esf | sf }
undo t1 line-number set frame-format
View CT3 interface view
Parameter line-number: T1 line number in the range 1 to 28.
esf: Set the T1 line to use the ESF format.
sf: Set the T1 line to use the SF format.
Description Use the
t1 set frame-format command to configure the framing format of a T1
Use the
undo t1 set frame-format command to restore the default, that is, ESF.