Description Use the expired command to specify the lease duration in a DHCP address pool.
Use the
undo expired command to restore the default lease duration in a DHCP
address pool.
The lease duration defaults to one day.
Note that if the lease duration you specified is beyond the year 2106, the system
regards the lease as expired.
Related command: dhcp server ip-pool.
Example # Specify the lease duration as one day, two hours and three minutes in DHCP
address pool 0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dhcp server ip-pool 0
[Sysname-dhcp-pool-0] expired day 1 hour 2 minute 3
Syntax gateway-list ip-address&<1-8>
undo gateway-list { ip-address | all }
View DHCP address pool view
Parameter ip-address&<1-8>: Gateway IP address. &<1-8> means you can specify up to eight
gateway addresses separated by spaces.
all: Specifies all gateway IP addresses to be removed.
Description Use the
gateway-list command to specify gateway address(es) in a DHCP
address pool.
Use the
undo gateway-list command to remove specified gateway address(es)
from a DHCP address pool.
By default, no gateway address is specified.
If you use the gateway-list command repeatedly, the latest configuration will
overwrite the previous one.
Example # Specify the gateway address in DHCP address pool 0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dhcp server ip-pool 0
[Sysname-dhcp-pool-0] gateway-list