Example # Display the information about all the ACFP clients.
<Sysname> display acfp client-info
ACFP client total number: 1
ClientID: 4
Description: IPS
Hw-Info: 1.0
OS-Info: Linux Kernel 2.4.20-8
App-Info: 2.0
Client IP:
Client Mode: mirror
display acfp policy-info
Syntax display acfp policy-info [ client client-id [ policy-index ] | dest-interface
interface-type interface-number | in-interface interface-type interface-number |
out-interface interface-type interface-number ] [ active | inactive ]
View Any view
Parameters client client-id: Displays the policy applied sent by the specified ACFP client, where
client-id is the ACFP client ID, in the range of 1 to 2147483647.
policy-index: Policy index, in the range of 1 to 2147483647.
dest-interface interface-type interface-number: Displays all the policies that use
the specified interface (destination interface) for connecting to the ACFP client,
where interface-type interface-number is the interface type and interface number.
in-interface interface-type interface-number: Displays all the policies that use the
specified interface as the inbound interface, where interface-type
interface-number is the interface type and interface number.
Table 650 Description on the fields of the display acfp client-info command
Field Description
ACFP client total number Total number of ACFP clients
ClientID Client ID, index of client list
Description Description information of client application program
Hw-Info Hardware information of the client
OS-Info Operating system information of the client
App-Info Application software information of the client
Client IP Client IP address
Client Mode Working modes supported by the client:
■ Ipserver: host mode
■ Redirect: redirect mode
■ Mirror: mirror mode
■ Passthrough: pass-through mode