<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ospfv3 1
[Sysname-ospfv3-1] maximum load-balancing 6
Syntax ospfv3 [ process-id ]
undo ospfv3 [ process-id ]
View System view
Parameters process-id: Specifies the ID of an OSPFv3 process, ranging from 1 to 65535. The
process ID defaults to 1.
Description Use the
ospfv3 command to enable an OSPFv3 process and enter OSPFv3 view.
Use the undo ospfv3 command to disable an OSPFv3 process.
The system runs no OSPFv3 process by default.
Related commands: router-id.
An OSPFv3 process can run normally only when Router ID is configured in OSPFv3
view. Otherwise, you can find the process, but which cannot generate any LSA.
Examples # Enable the OSPFv3 process with process ID as 120 and configure the Router ID
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ospfv3 120
[Sysname-ospfv3-120] router-id
ospfv3 area
Syntax ospfv3 process-id area area-id [ instance instance-id ]
undo ospfv3 process-id area area-id [ instance instance-id ]
View Interface view
Parameters process-id: Specifies the ID of an OSPFv3 process, ranging from 1 to 65535.
area-id: The ID of an area, a decimal integer (in the range of 0 to 4294967295)
that is translated into IPv4 address format by the system or an IPv4 address.
instance-id: The instance ID of an interface, in the range of 0 to 255, which
defaults to 0.