Parameters mac-address interface interface-type interface-number: Uses the specified
interface MAC address as the character string for router authentication.
interface-type interface-number: Specifies a port by port type and port number.
string string: Uses a user-defined string for router authentication. string is a
user-defined string of 1 to 30 characters.
Description Use the
rta bind command to configure a character string for router
Use the
undo rta bind command to restore the default.
By default, no authentication string is configured on the router.
This configuration is used to authenticate the connection between the router and
the FEP. If the authentication succeeds (that is, the MAC address sent by the router
and that configured on the FEP are consistent), the connection is established;
otherwise, no connection can be established between the router and the FEP.
■ Only a MAC address or a character string can be configured at a time, and the
latest configured one takes effect.
■ The authentication type and character string configured on the router and FEP
must be the same. Otherwise, the authentication fails and no connection can
be established.
Example # Bind the MAC address of Ethernet 0/0 for router authentication.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta bind mac-address interface ethernet 0/0
# Bind the character string abc for router authentication.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta bind string abc
rta rtc-server listen-port
Syntax rta rtc-server listen-port port-number
undo rta rtc-server listen-port port-number
View System view
Parameters port-number: Listening TCP port number of the RTC server, ranging 1024 to
Description Use the
rta rtc-server listen-port command to configure the listening port on
the RTC server.
Use the
undo rta rtc-server listen-port command to cancel the configured
listening port.