display mirroring-group
Syntax display mirroring-group { groupid | local }
View Any view
Parameter groupid: Port mirroring group number. The value range is 1 to 5 for MSR 20 and
BSR 30 series routers and 1 to 10 for MSR 50 series routers.
local: Specifies local port mirroring groups.
Description Use the
display mirroring-group command to display the information about a
port mirroring group.
The output information varies with port mirroring group type and is organized by
mirroring group numbers.
Example # Display the information about all the port mirroring groups.
<Sysname> display mirroring-group local
mirroring-group 3:
type: local
status: active
mirroring port:
Ethernet1/1 inbound
Ethernet1/2 both
monitor port : Ethernet1/3
Syntax mirroring-group groupid local
Table 81 Description on the fields of the display mirroring-group command
Field Description
mirroring-group Port mirroring group number
type Port mirroring group type
status Status of a port mirroring group. “Active” for already effective,
and “inactive” for not effective yet.
mirroring port Source mirroring port
monitor port Destination mirroring port