Example # Set the secondary SDLC station address to 0x05 on Serial 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] sdlc controller 05
sdlc enable dlsw
Syntax sdlc enable dlsw
undo sdlc enable dlsw
View Synchronous serial interface view
Parameter None
Description Use the
sdlc enable dlsw command to enable DLSw forwarding on the current
synchronous serial interface.
Use the
undo sdlc enable dlsw command to disable DLSw forwarding on the
current synchronous serial interface.
By default, DLSw forwarding is not enabled on the serial interface.
Before enabling DLSw forwarding on the serial interface, enable SDLC as the link
layer protocol on the interface. With DLSw forwarding enabled on the SDLC
interface, all local SNA devices connected to the interface will be able to
communicate with the remote device through DLSw.
Example # Enable DLSw forwarding on Serial 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] link-protocol sdlc
[Sysname-Serial2/0] sdlc enable dlsw
sdlc mac-map local
Syntax sdlc mac-map local mac-address
undo sdlc mac-map local
View Synchronous serial interface view
Parameter mac-address: Virtual MAC address of SDLC.
Description Use the
sdlc mac-map local command to configure an SDLC virtual MAC