In the view of a FR main interface (or subinterface), this command can only apply a
DE rule list to the FR VCs on the main interface or (or subinterface).
After a DE rule list is applied to FR virtual circuit, those packets that match the rule
list will have their DE flag set to 1.
Related commands: fr del inbound-interface, fr del protocol.
Examples # In the view of interface Serial 1/0, apply DE rule list 3 to DLCI 100 on the current
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname]interface Serial 1/0
[Sysname-Serial1/0] fr dlci 100
[Sysname-Serial1/0] fr de del 3 dlci 100
fr del inbound-interface
Syntax fr del list-number inbound-interface interface-type interface-number
undo fr del list-number inbound-interface interface-type interface-number
View System view
Parameters list-number: Number of DE rule list, ranging from 1 to 10.
interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.
Description Use the
fr del inbound-interface command to configure an interface-based DE
rule list. For the packet received from the specified interface, if it is forwarded from
the router as a FR packet, its DE flag bit is set to 1 before being forwarded.
Use the
undo fr del inbound-interface command to delete the specified DE
rule from a DE rule list.
By default, no DE rule list is created.
New rules can be added to a DE rule list by using this command repeatedly. Up to
100 rules can be configured in a DE rule list. The undo form of this command can
once delete one DE rule only. To delete a DE rule list, you should first delete all DE
rules in it.
Related commands: fr de del, fr del protocol.
Examples # Add a rule to DE rule list 1. For the packet received from the interface Serial 1/0,
if it is needed to be forwarded by encapsulating FR protocol, flag the DE flag bit of
the packet as 1 before forwarding.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] fr del 1 inbound-interface Serial 1/0