Out - 660016 03-07-05 11:23:01 03-07-05 11:23:04 3
Out - 660022 03-07-05 11:23:01 03-07-05 11:23:04 3
In 10660016 10660016 03-07-05 11:23:01 03-07-05 11:23:04 3
In 10660022 10660022 03-07-05 11:23:01 03-07-05 11:23:04 3
display isdn parameters
Syntax display isdn parameters { protocol | interface interface-type interface-number }
View Any view
Parameter protocol: ISDN protocol type, which can be ans, at&t, dss1, etsi, ni, ni2, ntt, or
interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.
Description Use the
display isdn parameters command to view the system parameters at
layers 2 and 3 of the ISDN protocol, such as the durations of system timers and
frame size.
If only ISDN protocol is specified, the system will display the default system
parameters of ISDN.
Example # Display the system parameters of the ISDN protocol DSS1.
<Sysname> display isdn parameters dss1
DSS1 ISDN layer 2 system parameters:
T200(sec) T201(sec) T202(sec) T203(sec) N200 K(Bri) K(Pri)
112 10317
DSS1 ISDN layer 3 system timers:
Timer-Number Value(sec)
T301 240
T302 15
T303 4
T304 30
T305 30
T308 4
T309 90
T310 40
T313 4
T314 4
T316 120
T317 10
T318 4
T319 4
Table 96 Description on the fields of the display isdn call-record command
Field Description
Call Type Call type: incoming or outgoing
Calling Number Calling number
Called Number Called number
Start Time Time at which the call is set up
Stop Time Time at which the call is terminated
Seconds Used Duration of the call in seconds