Syntax clock { master | slave }
undo clock
View POS interface view
Parameter master: Sets the clock mode of the POS interface to master.
slave: Sets the clock mode of the POS interface to slave.
Description Use the
clock command to set the clock mode of the POS interface.
Use the undo clock command to restore the default, that is, slave.
POS interfaces support two clock modes:
■ Master, which uses internal clock signal.
■ Slave, which uses line clock signal.
Similar to the DTE/DCE model of synchronous serial interfaces, POS interfaces
need to choose a clock mode. When a POS interface on the router is directly
connected to another router, the only requirement is that the two sides use
different clock modes. In connection to a switch, however, the switch is DCE and
uses internal clock, so the POS interface is DTE and must adopt the slave clock
Example # Set the clock mode of interface POS 1/0 to master.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface pos 1/0
[Sysname-Pos1/0] clock master
Syntax crc { 16 | 32 }
undo crc
View POS interface view