ipsec policy isakmp template
Syntax ipsec policy policy-name seq-number isakmp template template-name
undo ipsec policy policy-name [ seq-number ]
View System view
Parameter policy-name: Name for the IPSec policy, a case insensitive string of 1 to 15
characters. Valid characters are English letters and numbers. No minus sign (-) can
be included.
seq-number: Sequence number for the IPSec policy, in the range 1 to 10000.
template-name: Name for the IPSec policy template to be referenced.
Description Use the
ipsec policy isakmp template command to create an IPSec policy by
referencing an existing IPSec policy template, so that IKE can use IPSec policy for
SA negotiation.
Use the
undo ipsec policy command to delete an IPSec policy.
Note that:
■ Using the undo IPSec policy command without the seq-number argument
deletes an IPSec policy group.
■ In an IPSec policy, an IPSec policy with a smaller sequence number has a higher
Related command: ipsec policy (system view), ipsec policy-template.
Example # Create an IPSec policy with the name policy2 and sequence number 200 by
referencing IPSec policy template temp1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy2 200 isakmp template temp1
ipsec policy-template
Syntax ipsec policy-template template-name seq-number
undo ipsec policy-template template-name [ seq-number ]
View System view
Parameter template-name: Name for the IPSec policy template, a case insensitive string of 1
to 15 characters. Valid characters are English letters and numbers. No minus signs
(-) can be included.