<Sysname> display ipv6 host
Host Age Flags IPv6Address
aaa 0 static 2002::1
bbb 0 static 2002::2
display ipv6 interface
Syntax display ipv6 interface [ brief ] [ interface-type [ interface-number ]]
View Any view
Parameter brief: Displays brief IPv6 information of an interface.
interface-type: Interface type.
interface-number: Interface number.
Description Use the
display ipv6 interface command to display the IPv6 information of an
If interface-type interface-number is not specified, the IPv6 information of all
interfaces for which IPv6 addresses can be configured is displayed; if only
interface-type is specified, the IPv6 information of the interfaces of the specified
type for which IPv6 addresses can be configured is displayed; if the interface-type
interface-number is specified, the IPv6 information of the specified interface is
Note that:
If you have configured the time slots of a CE1/PRI or CT1/PRI interface as an ISDN
PRI group using the pri-set command, then executing the display ip interface
brief command only displays the time slot used by the control channel (D
channel), instead of the ones used by the user channels (B channels). For details
about CE1/PRI and CT1/PRI interfaces, refer to “Fundamental CE1/PRI Interface
Configuration Commands” on page 201 and “Fundamental CT1/PRI Interface
Configuration Commands” on page 213.
Example # Display the IPv6 information of Ethernet 1/0 for which an IPv6 address can be
<Sysname> display ipv6 interface ethernet 1/0
Ethernet1/0 current state :UP ,
Line protocol current state :UP
Table 173 Description on fields of the display ipv6 host command
Field Description
Host Host name
Age Time for the entry to live. “0” is displayed in the case of static
Flags Flag indicating the type of mapping between a host name and an IPv6
address. Static indicates a static mapping.
IPv6Address IPv6 address of a host