undo pvc-pq
View Frame relay class view
Parameters top: Sets the top PVC PQ , namely, top priority queue, to accept the packets from
the VC.
middle: Sets the middle PVC PQ , namely, middle priority queue, to accept the
normal: Sets the normal PVC PQ , namely, normal priority queue, to accept the
bottom: Sets the bottom PVC PQ , namely, normal priority queue, to accept the
Description Use the
pvc-pq command to set the type of the PVC PQ that packets sent by FR
virtual circuit enter.
Use the
undo pvc-pq command to restore the default PVC PQ type.
By default, the packets sent by FR virtual circuit enter into the normal PVC PQ.
PVC PQ falls into four groups: top, middle, normal and bottom. PVC PQ is
relative to DLCI. After the queue of an interface is set as PVC PQ, packets on each
virtual circuit can enter only one type of PVC PQ.
Related commands: fr pvc-pq.
Examples # Set packets sent by virtual circuit which is associated with the FR class named
test1 to enter top PVC PQ.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] fr class test1
[Sysname-fr-class-test1] pvc-pq top
Syntax rtpq start-port min-dest-port end-port max-dest-port bandwidth bandwidth
undo rtpq
Parameters start-port min-dest-port: Specifies the lower limit for the destination UDP port
number, in the range 2000 to 65535.
end-port max-dest-port: Specifies the upper limit for the destination UDP port
number, in the range 2000 to 65535.
bandwidth bandwidth: Bandwidth of a RTP queue, in kbps, ranging from 8 to