View System view
Parameter pool-name: Global address pool name, which is a unique pool identifier, a string of
1 to 35 characters.
Description Use the
dhcp server ip-pool command to create a DHCP address pool and enter
its view. If the pool was created, you will directly enter its view.
Use the
undo dhcp server ip-pool command to remove specified DHCP
address pool.
By default, no DHCP address pool is created.
Related command: dhcp enable.
Example # Create the DHCP address pool identified by 0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dhcp server ip-pool 0
dhcp server ping packets
Syntax dhcp server ping packets number
undo dhcp server ping packets
View System view
Parameter number: Number of ping packets, in the range of 0 to 10. If the ping timeout time
is set to 0, the DHCP server will not perform any ping collision detection.
Description Use the
dhcp server ping packets command to specify the maximum number
of ping packets on the DHCP server.
Use the
undo dhcp server ping packets command to restore the default.
The number defaults to 1.
Example # Specify the maximum number of ping packets as 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dhcp server ping packets 10
dhcp server ping timeout
Syntax dhcp server ping timeout milliseconds
undo dhcp server ping timeout