ip address bootp-alloc
Syntax ip address bootp-alloc
undo ip address bootp-alloc
View Interface view
Parameter None
Description Use the
ip address bootp-alloc command to enable an interface to obtain an IP
address through BOOTP.
Use the
undo ip address bootp-alloc command to disable the interface from
obtaining an IP address through BOOTP.
By default, an interface does not obtain an IP address through BOOTP.
Related command: display bootp client.
Example # Configure Ethernet1/0 to obtain an IP address through BOOTP.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] ip address bootp-alloc
Table 137 Description on fields of the display bootp client command
Field Description
Ethernet1/0 BOOTP client
information or
Vlan-interface1 BOOTP client
Information of the interface serving as a BOOTP client
Allocated IP BOOTP client’s IP address allocated by the BOOTP server
Transaction ID Value of the XID field in a BOOTP message, namely, a random
number used to match a response message from the BOOTP
server while the BOOTP client sends a BOOTP request to the
BOOTP server. If the values of the XID field are different in the
BOOTP response and request, the BOOTP client will drop the
BOOTP response.
Mac Address MAC address of a BOOTP client