Syntax area-authentication-mode { simple | md5 } password [ ip | osi ]
undo area-authentication-mode
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Parameters simple: Specifies to send the password in plain text.
md5: Specifies to send the password encrypted with MD5.
password: Password to be set. For simple authentication mode, the password
must be plain text. For md5 authentication mode, the password can be either
plain text or ciphertext. A plaintext password can be a string of up to 16
characters, such as user918. A cipher password must be a ciphertext string of up
to 24 characters, such as (TT8F]Y5SQ=^Q‘MAF4<1!!.
ip: Specifies the system to check the configuration for the corresponding field of
IP in LSP.
osi: Specifies the system to check the configuration for the corresponding field of
Whether a password should use ip or osi is not affected by the actual network
Description Use the
area-authentication-mode command to configure the area
authentication mode to insert the area authentication password into all the sent
level-1 packets (LSP, CSNP, and PSNP) in the predefined way and verify the
authentication password of the received level-1 pockets.
Use the
undo area-authentication-mode command to restore the default.
By default, no area authentication mode is configured in the system; that is, the
system authenticates no level-1 packets received and is configured with no
Configuring an area authentication mode can prevent the routing information
learned by any untrusted routers from being added to the local LSDB.
Related commands: reset isis all, domain-authentication-mode, isis authentication-mode